7 More Reasons Why People Are Leaving Your Website
Are you not generating enough leads? Are people interacting with your Facebook Ads but not purchasing your product(s)? It could because your website is not up to par. Your website is the ultimate force that converts visitors to devoted customers. If you notice people are leaving your site, and you've made a few adjustments already, take note of seven more reasons why people are leaving your website:
#1 Your design is outdated
Perhaps it's time for a fresh pair of eyes or some in depth research. Consider the popularity of your business model. Let's say you run a cupcake shop. Take a look at some of the popular cupcake shop's websites like Georgetown Cupcake or Molly's Cupcakes. Consider what themes they have in common and what features stand out. If you've gone through this process or your expertise is uncommon and people are still leaving your website, it's time to get creative or bring in a professional.
#2 Your content is difficult to read
Here's a quick copy-writing tip: avoid run-on-sentences write in active voice. A recent study shows that people have the attention span of a gold-fish. So, websites that are word-heavy drive away potential consumers. Write in active voice because it's easier to read than passive voice. Additionally, make sure your font is easy-to-read. Stick to high-contrast color combinations and clean, ornamentation-free serif or sans serif fonts for best results.
#3 You're overwhelming people with pop-ups
Have you ever left a website because an annoying pop-up immediately appears? Don't overwhelm your viewers with a pop-up. If you have an upcoming event or sale you want to promote, place the offer on your homepage. Or, add a very subtle pop-up that appears at the bottom of the page.
#4 Your navigation structure is unclear
Even though you want to be unique, but sometimes it's best to stick to the basics especially in website design. Navigation titles should be recognizable and straightforward such as "About", "Services", "Blog", etc.
#5 Your registration requirements are obtrusive
Gated content peaks interest and can drive conversion rates. However, it's unnecessary to have the majority of your content on restricted access. As you create registration opportunities, ask yourself if every field you add is necessary. Note that Expedia earned an extra $12 million by removing one single data field.
#6 Your site does not have a brand personality
Your brand should have a consistent theme that is identifiable. It should be something that speaks to your target audience and reflects their tastes, A smart way to go about adopting a brand personality is to consider the personality trait you want to convey.Take a look at the chart below to see the personality traits associated with the most successful brands based on region (Image Credit: Millward Brown):
#7 Your website is slow to load
According to KISSmetrics, there are a few vital components about load time:
• 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in two seconds or less.
• 40% abandon a website that takes more than three seconds to load.
• Even a one-second delay (or three seconds of waiting) decreases customer satisfaction by about 16%.
Optimize your load time by using photos with sizes that match the site average, use browser caching, etc.
When people visit your website, you have only a few seconds to convince them to stay. Make sure to optimize your website with these seven factors.
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